WoW – I migliori followers per la tua Garrison

Guida completa alla creazione del miglior gruppo di followers per l’ultima espansione di World of Warcraft


Garrison Follower Guide – How To Get All Followers – Warlords of Draenor Patch 6.0.3

Alliance followers

Shadowmoon Valley

At the end of the Elodor questline, you are given a quest to select one of three followers to your garrison: Apprentice Artificer Andren, Rangari Chel, or Vindicator Onaala. Besides that, Shadowmoon Valley doesn’t have other mutually exclusive followers.

  • Artificer RomuulLevel 92 Holy PaladinObtained: From event ( Embaari Defense Crystal ), respawn time is currently ~9 minutes after killing the last mob

    Default abilities and traits:

    • Rebuke – Ability, counters Powerful Spell
    • Jewelcrafting – Trait, allows this follower to be assigned to the Gem Boutique

    Notes: When the event is up, Romuul awaits you on a small hill southwest from Embaari Village. You need to kill few waves of mobs and on success Romuul joins the team.

  • FionaLevel 90 Holy PriestObtained: From quest ( Gestating Genesaur )

    Default abilities and traits:

    Notes: Rewarded after completing the questline in Blademoon Bloom (a subzone east from Socrethar’s Rise).

  • Qiana MoonshadowLevel 90 Guardian DruidObtained: From quest ( Qiana Moonshadow )

    Default abilities and traits:

    • Growl – Ability, counters Wild Aggression
    • One ramdom trait

    Notes: Your first follower who is gained after building the barracks to your garrison.

  • RulkanLevel 92 Enhancement ShamanObtained: From quest ( Ancestor’s Memory )

    Default abilities and traits:

    • Hex – Ability, counters Deadly Minions
    • Blacksmithing – Trait, allows this follower to be assigned to the Forge

    Notes: After completing the questline in Embaari Village, Into Twilight starts the next questline. During it you are sent to the Exile’s Rise where Rulkan can be found. Completing her quest rewards her as a follower.

  • Shelly HambyLevel 90 Subtlety RogueObtained: From quest ( Game of Thorns )

    Default abilities and traits:

    • Sprint – Ability, counters Danger Zones
    • Leatherworking – Trait, allows this follower to be assigned to The Tannery

    Notes: Lost Lumberjacks in your garrison starts a questline to Gloomshade Grove eventually awarding Shelly.


In Talador you are given the choice to build either Arcane Sanctum or Artillery Tower to your garrison outpost. Your choice defines what follower will be available to you from an upcoming questline:

– Building the Arcane Sanctum unlocks Magister Serena.
– Building the Artillery Tower unlocks Miall.

  • Defender IllonaLevel 95 Protection PaladinObtained: From quest ( Gatekeepers of Auchindoun )

    Default abilities and traits:

    • Reckoning – Ability, counters Wild Aggression
    • Bodyguard – Trait, accompanies you in Draenor when assigned to a level 2 or 3 barracks
    • One random trait

    Notes: Defender Illona in Auchenai Precipice offers you an optional quest which rewards her as a follower to your garrison.

  • AhmLevel 95 Arms WarriorObtained: From quest ( Dying Wish )

    Default abilities and traits:

    • Heroic Leap – Ability, counters Danger Zones
    • Enchanting – Trait, allows this follower to be assigned to the Enchanter’s Study

    Notes: Gained after an optional quest started by Ahm in Archenon Siegeyard. On your next visit to your garrison, Ahm will be waiting for you outside the main entrance.

  • Magister SerenaLevel 94 Frost MageObtained: From quest ( Due Cause to Celebrate )

    Default abilities and traits:

    • Counterspell – Ability, counters Powerful Spell
    • One random trait

    Notes: Gained from a main questline ending to Gordal Fortress if the Arcane Sanctum has been built to your outpost.

  • MiallLevel 94 Fury WarriorObtained: From quest ( The Only Way to Travel )

    Default abilities and traits:

    • Shield Wall – Ability, counters Massive Strike
    • One random trait

    Notes: Gained from a main questline ending to Gordal Fortress if the Artillery Tower has been built to your outpost.

  • Pleasure-Bot 8000Level 94 Fury WarriorObtained: From quest ( Clear! )

    Default abilities and traits:

    • Recklessness – Ability, counters Timed Battle
    • Tailoring – Trait, allows this follower to be assigned to the Tailoring Emporium

    Notes: Torben Zapblast in Duskfall Island starts an optional quest which rewards this follower.

Spires of Arak

In Spires of Arak you are given the choice to build either Brewery or Smuggler’s Den to your garrison outpost. Your choice defines what follower will be available to you from an upcoming questline:

– Building the Brewery unlocks Hulda Shadowblade.
– Building the Smuggler’s Den unlocks Ziri’ak.

  • LeorajhLevel 97 Restoration ShamanObtained: From quest ( Leorajh, the Enlightened )

    Default abilities and traits:

    • Chain Heal – Ability, counters Group Damage
    • Bodyguard – Trait, accompanies you in Draenor when assigned to a level 2 or 3 barracks
    • One random trait

    Notes: Leorajh is hidden in the mountains near his cave in southern Spires of Arak. More specific details in the follower comments.

  • Admiral TaylorLevel 96 Arms WarriorObtained: From quest ( Admiral Taylor )

    Default abilities and traits:

    • Recklessness – Ability, counters Timed Battle
    • Inscription – Trait, allows this follower to be assigned to the Scribe’s Quarters

    Notes: Admiral Taylor will join to your ranks after completing a questline in his garrison. The questline starts from Southport.

  • Hulda ShadowbladeLevel 96 Assassination RogueObtained: From quest ( Standing United )

    Default abilities and traits:

    • Kick – Ability, counters Powerful Spell
    • Skinning – Trait, allows this follower to be assigned to the Barn

    Notes: Gained from a Southport questline in Shadow’s Vigil if the Brewery has been built to your outpost.

  • Kimzee PinchwhistleLevel 97 Combat RogueObtained: From quest ( Flame On )

    Default abilities and traits:

    • Sprint – Ability, counters Danger Zones
    • Engineering – Trait, allows this follower to be assigned to the Engineering Works

    Notes: Kimzee is obtained from the questline starting from the Clutchpop Gearworks.

  • Ziri’akLevel 99 Arms WarriorObtained: From item (  Inactive Apexis Guardian )

    Default abilities and traits:

    • Pummel – Ability, counters Powerful Spell
    • One random trait

    Notes: Gained from a vendor if the Smuggler’s Den has been built to your outpost. The item is sold by Honest Jim who can be summoned every 10 minutes by Smuggling Run!. Note that he has random goods every time he is summoned.


There isn’t any followers tied up to the garrison outpost choice in Nagrand.

  • Goldmane the SkinnerLevel 100 Assassination RogueObtained: From quest ( Feline Friends Forever )

    Default abilities and traits:

    • Sprint– Ability, counters Danger Zones
    • Skinning – Trait, allows this follower to be assigned to the Barn

    Notes: Bolkar the Cruel is holding Goldmane as a prisoner in a cage next to him in the watchtower at Ironfist Harbor. Bolkar gives the key for the cage and after releasing Goldmane, he will offer a quest for joining your garrison as a follower.

  • Lantresor of the BladeLevel 99 Arms WarriorObtained: From quest ( Challenge of the Masters )

    Default abilities and traits:

    • Heroic Leap– Ability, counters Danger Zones
    • Mining – Trait, allows this follower to be assigned to the Mine

    Notes: This familiar orc is gained from a Nagrand main questline in Hallvalor. Lantresor waits outside Telaari Station after turning in the quest above.

Frostfire Ridge

If you are having problems getting into Frostfire Ridge as an Alliance player, you can always cross the Zangari Sea and work your way to inland from the southern coast.

  • DaggLevel 90 Subtlety RogueObtained: From quest ( Services of Dagg ) after freeing Dagg few times

    Default abilities and traits:

    • Sap – Ability, counters Deadly Minions
    • One random trait

    Notes: Dagg needs to be freed from two places: first from Grom’gar and AFTER that from Daggermaw Ravine. The next time you go to your garrison, he awaits at the gates with a quest to join your ranks.


  • Delvar IronfistLevel 91 Unholy Death KnightObtained: From quest ( A Surly Dwarf )

    Default abilities and traits:

    • Bone Shield – Ability, counters Massive Strike
    • Bodyguard – Trait, accompanies you in Draenor when assigned to a level 2 or 3 barracks
    • One random trait

    Notes: Delvar is rewarded after a short breadcrumb questline starting from your garrison and ending to the Alliance base Stormshield in Ashran.

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